Sprinkler Repair

Lawn Sprinkler Repair Garland TX
Sprinkler Repair of Garland
2655 Arapaho Rd #10 Garland, TX 75044
(469) 757-4767

Sprinkler Repair

Sprinkler valves are a main component to any automatic sprinkler system. Each valve will operate several sprinkler heads at once. The valve itself works as a gate valve, meaning that it turns 90 degrees to open and 90 degrees the opposite direction to close it. In the off position the valve will block the water and obviously in the on position it will allow water to pass through it. You can manually operate a gate valve on your sprinkler system by opening the sprinkler box, which is usually green with a diamond plate texture on the surface, and turning the black "knob" on the top of the valve. You can recognize the valve because it has wires going to it. And although the valves will operate manually the wires operate the valve electronically.

Symptoms of a bad sprinkler valve will be whole sections of grass not being watered or decreased water pressure to a whole section of sprinkler heads since the sprinkler valve may no open all the way. This will make it so the water does not spray as far as it should. Or possibly the valve does not close all the way making it so another valve will turn on while the broken valve is still allowing water to run through sprinkler heads that should be off. When this happens there will not be enough pressure on the scheduled valve. And will in turn cause all the remaining valve stations to have a pressure decrease. 

Sprinkler valves can malfunction in many ways either mechanically or electronically. Figuring out the nature of the malfunction is the first step to understanding the cause of the problem to be able to fix the sprinkler valve. It is very important that the sprinkler valve is fixed properly since it usually controls a whole section or station of sprinkler heads. 

Automatic sprinkler systems are installed and designed to help you save time. They are generally hassle free and self contained systems. However when problems arise it can cause frustration and property damage from either not enough water getting to your lawn and garden or too much water causing damage to your property. If you are not able to fix the system yourself or you don't have enough time. Or perhaps you just don't want to, that's ok, you can call us at Sprinkler Repair of Garland 469-757-4767 we will complete your sprinkler valve repair right the first time so you can enjoy your property as you intended!


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